What is the IECEE/CB Scheme?
The CB Scheme is an international network of National Certification Bodies (NCBs) from around the world. It provides a mechanism for the mutual acceptance of test reports and certificates among participating members. More than 50 certification bodies in countries throughout Europe, The Americas, Asia, Australia and Africa participate in the Scheme. The purpose of the CB Scheme is to eliminate duplicate testing and to offer manufacturers a simplified means for obtaining multiple national safety certifications for their products.
How Does the CB Scheme Work?
A manufacturer may apply to any of the participating NCBs (such as QPS) for a CB Test Certificate. The NCB will use its own lab, or a testing lab recognized in the CB Scheme to perform complete testing and evaluation of the manufacturer’s product to determine conformity with the relevant standard accepted in the Scheme. If the product is found to be in compliance, the NCB will issue a CB Test Report and CB Test Certificate. The manufacturer can use the CB Report/Certificate to obtain National Certification in all the member countries participating in the CB Scheme.
What Standards are used in the CB Scheme?
The Scheme is based on the use of International IEC standards for electrical equipment. However, the CB Scheme permits each country to have some National Differences to address local safety concerns.
How are National Differences Handled?
Compliance with National Differences may be evaluated either by the NCB issuing the CB Certificate/Test Report, or by the NCB to whom the CB Certificate/Test Report are presented for acceptance. It helps reduce costs, completion time, and project complexity by having all appropriate national differences evaluated by the NCB who issues the CB Certificate and Test Report.
How can QPS help?
QPS is accredited in the CB Scheme as a National Certification Body (NCB) and as a Testing Laboratory (CBTL). The scope of our accreditation covers the following major standards:
- IEC 60065 Household Electronic Equipment
- IEC 61010 Laboratory and Test Equipment
- IEC 60950 Information Technology Equipment (ITE) and Office Equipment
- IEC 60601 Electro-medical Equipment
- IEC 60335 Household Electronic Equipment
- IEC 62368 Audio/Video, Information and Communication Technology Equipment
We will test your product to the applicable IEC standard (or to the National US & Canadian standard harmonized with the IEC standard) and to any National Differences required for the countries in which you intend to market your product.
We will then issue a CB Test Certificate and a CB Test Report which you can use to obtain National Certification in any of the participating countries. This eliminates the need for additional testing.
Furthermore, a CB Test Report can be used to support your self-declaration towards the CE Marking, which is mandatory in countries of the European Union.